5 ideas for earning extra in retirement!
Senior online

5 ideas for earning extra in retirement!

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More and more people are choosing to earn extra income in retirement. What are the ways to shore up the household budget?

As you know, most retirees can’t complain about excess cash. Benefits are usually not very high, and prices in stores are rising at an alarming rate. Then there are those who don’t know what to do with their free time, and it’s a shame for them to spend the autumn of their lives sitting in front of the TV. In both cases, a great idea is to take on a side job. Just which one will be the best?

Opt for handicrafts

Handicrafts are at a premium today. Handicrafts of various types: napkins, socks, scarves, etc. are very popular and people are ready to pay really a lot of money for them. Many seniors (and especially seniors) know this, which is why you can often meet elderly ladies in markets selling hand knitting.

Of course, you can exhibit your works on the so-called “blanket”, but you should look for information where special handicraft fairs are organized. There you can prepare your stand for a small fee and be sure that visitors to such places appreciate such products and are able to pay a lot for them.

It is also a good idea to set up a website or social media account, such as Facebook. It’s a good idea to ask for help from your children or grandchildren, who are more familiar with the Internet, and post your handicraft offerings there. This way you can also take orders for specific products.

Grandma’s dumplings – there will always be takers

Who does not love real grandma’s dumplings? It is worth spreading the word among family or friends that dumplings of various types are made. And although they may be more expensive than the store ones, anyone who likes good quality food – will not hesitate to buy them. It’s also a good idea to hang a notice on stairwells with a phone number.

Homemade cakes are a real hit

Nowadays young people don’t have time to cook, and you can forget about baking anything. More and more people are looking for someone to bake them a homemade cake, which cannot be replaced by any of the most beautiful baked goods from a pastry shop. And a cake or cookies made from old recipes is something at a premium. As with dumplings – it’s worth looking for takers among family, friends and possibly in the neighborhood. Many people will probably be tempted by homemade pies!

Child care

Young parents often have no one to leave their children with to go to the movies or run the most urgent errands in town. And not everyone has the opportunity to enlist the help of their relatives. The option of a grandmother or grandfather on the phone will therefore be a real lifesaver for them. Seniors can look for children to take care of on a daily basis or on a casual basis, in the evenings or on weekends. At the same time, the latter option is usually associated with a more favorable hourly rate. On top of that, it is not so tiring. Many people also believe that babysitting is also a benefit for the retirees themselves, who often treat the little ones as their own grandchildren and become more active with them.

Caring for animals

If the retiree is an animal lover, he can offer to take care of the animals while the owners are away. This can include dogs, cats or hamsters. Many people, when going away for a weekend or an extended vacation, do not know what to do with their pet, so they are willing to take advantage of such care.

main photo: Theodore

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