Homemade scented sachets for the closet. How to make them?

Homemade scented sachets for the closet. How to make them?

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What closet is the most fun to open? Tidy, neat and fragrant! Good organization and tidiness depend on you. Scented sachets will take care of the nice smell of your closet. See how to make them yourself. Here are some simple ways.

Using even the best softeners, the smell fades after a few days and clothes hanging in the closet for a long time lose their freshness. An effective way to keep your clothes smelling nice and fresh is with scented sachets. This gadget can also protect your clothes from moths and absorb excess moisture! Below are some ways on how to make them yourself.

What is needed to make scented sachets?

Chances are, you already have most of the accessories needed to make scented sachets at home. To make the sachets you will need:

  • a piece of cloth or scraps of different materials that you happen to have on hand (it is important that they are air permeable fabrics),
  • needle and thread,
  • scissors,
  • dried fragrance (there are many possibilities here – you will read more in the following paragraphs)
  • decorative string or thin fabric ribbon.

What material should be used to make scented sachets?

The material from which we sew scented sachets should be breathable – otherwise the scent of the dried fruit inside will not get outside. Therefore, it is best to use “breathable” fabrics, such as cotton or linen. Another solution is to use organza – its structure in the form of a delicate mesh will also allow fragrances to spread outside.

How to sew a fragrance pouch?

Prepare an appropriate amount of material, depending on how many sachets you want to make. Cut the prepared material into squares of about 8-10 cm. Sew the two pieces of fabric together on three sides with a tight stitch – leave one side open so you can fill the sachet with dried fragrance. After filling, sew the fourth side and you are done!

Scented bags

You can also make closet fresheners in the form of bags. The only difference is that after filling the bag with fragrance, you don’t need to sew the last side, but sew the ends of the material and then tie it with a string or ribbon. Such bags are convenient to use – you can easily put them on a hanger in the closet, or hang on the mirror in the car.

Filling sachets – what to make them of?

The filling of fragrance sachets can be prepared from dried flowers or herbs. If you want the sachets to serve an additional protective function against insects, you should choose plants such as lavender or cloves. You can also fill sachets with tea, rice, coffee beans or fragrant soap. Below we present a few possibilities.

Lavender, cloves or pine needles

We can fill our sachets with lavender, cloves or pine needles or make a mixture of them. These plants will not only provide a nice scent to our closet, but also effectively repel moths and other insects

Mixture of dried herbs

The filling of fragrance sachets can also be prepared from dried herbs such as basil, thyme or oregano. Their pleasant scent will effectively refresh the interior of our closet.

Aromatic tea

We can also use tea leaves to make a scented dried product. Just add to the jar with tea leaves a few drops of chosen fragrance oil and leave such jar closed for a few hours. After some time the tea leaves will absorb the scent of the oil and our dried tea will be ready.

Fragrant rice

Another way to prepare the filling of scented sachets is to use rice – this ingredient is also a natural moisture absorber! To additionally fill our closet with aromatic scent, just add to rice a few drops of your favorite fragrance oil.

Sachets or fragrance pouches can also be filled with coffee beans, scented soap or ready-made potpourri mix. Another solution is to use cotton pads, which you can simply sprinkle with your favorite fragrance oil and place in a sachet. Scented sachets can be used not only in the closet with clothes – they also work well in the car, the pantry to deter food moths, and in the place where we store shoes to absorb moisture and remove unpleasant odors.

Main photo: Katherine Hanlon/

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