Properties and uses of hemp oils

Properties and uses of hemp oils

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Hemp oils have recently become quite popular in Poland. Not without reason, as they have many beneficial properties, both for our physical and mental health. Find out the benefits of using hemp oils.

Types of hemp oils

Let’s start with the fact that there are 3 types of hemp oils, and each of them has slightly different uses and properties.

Hemp seed oil

The first oil is the one extracted from the seeds of legally grown hemp. It is cold-pressed at 40℃. It is distinguished primarily by its distinctive earthy flavor, which may bring to mind notes of sunflower or walnut. It is an oil that can only be used orally as it works best then and retains its full therapeutic potential. Remember, however, that it is not suitable for frying or any other heating. Store it in the refrigerator and be sure to consume it up to 3 months after opening. And what are the benefits of using such an oil? It is particularly useful and effective in cosmetics and dietetics, as well as used prophylactically for many ailments, including excellent nutrition of the body from the inside, preventing diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension and other dangerous diseases of civilization. In addition, it boosts immunity and ensures the proper course of autoimmune processes, as well as supporting liver and intestinal function.

Hemp flower oil

Hemp flower oil, or popular CBD oil, is made from special varieties of hemp. It contains the biologically active cannabidiol that is found in the flowers. This compound has been recognized by scientists as one of the most potent medicinal substances. The taste is reminiscent of medicine – usually bitter, astringent and pungent. It can have a variety of aromas because essential oils are often added to CBD oil. You can find this oil in various forms, not only as a liquid in a bottle. Drops, capsules, pastes, suppositories, and chewing gum are also quite popular. When it comes to medicinal properties, hemp flower oil is used as a powerful therapeutic agent for a number of lifestyle diseases and nervous system ailments. It helps treat neurodegenerative diseases, mental illnesses, inflammatory conditions, and rheumatoid conditions, among others. Additionally, it can prove useful in treating alcohol addiction, as it significantly alleviates withdrawal syndrome.

If you are looking for good quality hemp oil or want to learn more about it, be sure to visit Medican Campus Institute.

Cannabis Hemp Oil

The last type of hemp oil, is the oil extracted from marijuana flowers. It comes from the same species of plant as CDB oil or seed oil, but is extracted from a different variety of hemp – cannabis indica. So what makes it different from other oils with medicinal properties? First and foremost, cannabis oil is completely illegal as it mainly contains the intoxicating substance THC. While research indicates that THC can have anti-cancer properties and can be an essential component of therapy for some users, it also has a number of side effects (aside from the intoxicating state itself) such as increased blood pressure and a racing heartbeat, which disqualify the substance in about 80% of patients. THC oils are available in Polish pharmacies, but their use is only under constant supervision of a doctor.

Main photo: CBD Infos/

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