What is the correct pressure?

What is the correct pressure?

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Did you know that there are three types of blood pressure that are considered normal depending on factors such as a person’s age or state of health? Find out more in this article.

One of the important factors influencing our health and well-being is normalized blood pressure. If it is too high or too low, we will not only feel worse, but it may also indicate health problems. Therefore, it is worth knowing blood pressure norms and measuring them regularly.

What is normal blood pressure?

First of all, we should know that blood pressure is not a constant value – it changes depending on many factors, among which we distinguish:

  • short-term – they result from the cardiac cycle,
  • medium-term – depending on our diet, activity, hydration and time of day,
  • long-term – related to our age and health status.
Photo by: Adriano Gadini, from: Pixabay

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Blood pressure – norms in an adult

The optimal blood pressure in adults should be between 120 and 80 mm Hg. In addition to optimal blood pressure, a distinction is made between normal blood pressure and normal high blood pressure

Norms that you should know when monitoring your blood pressure:

  • Normal blood pressure: 120 – 129 mm Hg / 80 – 84 mm Hg
  • Normal high blood pressure: 130 – 139 mm Hg / 85 – 89 mm Hg
  • Grade 1 hypertension: 140 – 159 mm Hg / 90 – 99 mm Hg
  • Grade 2 hypertension: 160 – 179 mm Hg / 100 – 109 mm Hg
  • Grade 3 hypertension: ≥ 180 mm Hg / ≥ 110 mm Hg
Photo by: Steve Buissinne, from: Pixabay

As you get older, your blood pressure may increase. It is important to know that the problem of hypertension starts when the measurements are 140/90 mm Hg and above. Adults should measure their blood pressure regularly in order to notice possible health problems as early as possible


>> See also: What should be included in the diet to strengthen bones?

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