New relationship. How do you bring a new partner into the family?
Family and relationships

New relationship. How do you bring a new partner into the family?

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Love can happen at any age. Not only among young people, but also those in the prime of life. Love undeniably evokes great emotions. Especially if you are a single parent and want to introduce your new partner to your loved ones, such as your children, which is not always easy.

It is never too late for love

It is a myth that love or the need for intimacy, also from a sexual point of view, is reserved only for young people. Everyone, regardless of age, has a great need for companionship, a sense of being needed and loved, but also for intimacy. We can fall in love at any age, which is quite natural. It often happens that older people think that it is not appropriate for them to fall in love or that love will not meet them again. Nothing could be further from the truth. Once they experience love again, this feeling changes them completely. They feel happy, are more active, and sometimes return to old passions. It is love that allows them to feel a second youth again

It also happens that children or grandchildren themselves encourage their single parents or grandparents to look for a companion in various courses, hobby classes or in other ways. In most cases, if the person finds his or her other half, it brings joy. However, fears, lack of acceptance from the family or the environment appear when there is a large age difference between the partners. In some cases it takes a while for the family to accept the relationship and for the couple to come to an agreement.

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How to prepare for the conversation with the family?

Communication is the most important part of any relationship, regardless of its type. Communicating to the family about the arrival of a new partner can be particularly stressful in some situations. Especially if the children are not completely open to a single parent getting to know someone. This is noticed with divorced couples and even widows or widowers when there is a strong attachment of the children to one party. In such a situation, the child or children do not want to see anyone around their parent. And it is very difficult for them to accept the knowledge that their parent has decided to bring a new partner into the family. If, in addition, there are any visible differences between the partner and their parent, such as age, background, culture, this is even more difficult

It is best to let the family know that you have a new partner when you are sure about this person. Especially since a family accustomed to a single parent or grandparent may initially be surprised by the news that someone new has arrived. It will not be surprising to see a huge number of questions or unforeseen reactions. Not always positive

It is best to slowly, step by step, accustom the loved ones with the awareness that someone new has appeared in their lives. It’s best to organize a dinner, during which you should gently suggest the possibility of someone new appearing. It is important that it comes out naturally, rather than by force and allow your loved ones to get used to the situation.

Ways to build relationships between your family and your new partner

A good way is to arrange to spend time together so that the family has a chance to get to know the new partner a bit. One way is to have dinner together, where there would be an opportunity to talk. It is also a good idea to go out together, to go for a walk, or to have a picnic or a day trip. Remember that a lot depends not only on the family and the new partner, but also on the person concerned. The person introducing the partner should take care of the atmosphere and communication during the meeting together. The building of a mutual relationship and how the meeting goes will largely depend on this

If the partner is stressed about the meeting and is not completely open, encourage him or her, or broach the topic of conversation, mentioning to the family his or her strengths, passions, successes, in order to show him or her in the best possible light. It is not about artificial whitewashing, but honesty and showing the family how much the person means to us. This will relieve a rather stressful atmosphere and develop the conversation in an easy way. Naturalness will certainly be preferable to an artificial pose.

What to do when the family does not accept the new partner?

Unfortunately, not always we have to deal with a positive scenario. There are times when the new partner will not be accepted by the family, or even arouse a sense of insecurity in their minds. If this happens, you should still talk to your family and listen to what they have to say. It’s important to think about whether you’re not seeing something yourself. However, it is best to follow your intuition, because if your partner does not like your family, it does not mean that he or she has insincere intentions towards you.

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It is always best to be guided by your own best interests and try to come to a compromise. A new partner doesn’t immediately mean that we have to break off contact with the family if they don’t accept him or her, or conversely, break up with the partner if the family doesn’t like him or her. If it is a true relationship based on understanding, support and love, you should strive to get the family used to the new situation. However, if there are people who cannot be convinced, it is better not to try to do it by force and just let it go. You should always be guided by your own happiness, which ultimately should not be influenced by anyone

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