Growing your own vegetables
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Growing your own vegetables

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Growing your own vegetables at home has become fashionable again. Today, more and more people are aware of the importance of healthy eating and reaching for organically grown products. There is no better source of vegetables and fruits than your own garden

If you are wondering how to grow vegetables and what is needed for this, you need to read our guide. We present simple and proven ways to grow vegetables on your own in the garden. This will give you fresh and tasty produce at your fingertips.

The right conditions for growing plants

When you decide to create your own vegetable garden bed, there are a few important things to keep in mind. It matters that all your vegetables are exposed to the sun. This will keep them healthy and thriving. The vegetable garden bed should be close to the house so that it can be watered frequently. Vegetables also need fertile soil to grow and develop properly. It is also advisable to fertilize them regularly, for which you will need manure or compost. Ideally, your vegetable garden should be divided into several sections, for better care and growth of the plants.

When to sow vegetables in the garden?

With this type of gardening, it’s not only important what conditions you plant your vegetables in, but also when it happens. Vegetable seeds come in small sachets which should tell you in detail when to sow the crop. Usually you can start sowing vegetables as early as March, but because of frosts that can still surprise you even though spring is approaching, it is worth waiting until April. There are also varieties of vegetables that need a lot of heat and sun to develop quickly. In these cases the best month to start sowing is May. It’s good to know that some plants can be sown in pots at first so that they can grow indoors.

Why should you grow your own vegetables?

Wondering if it’s worth it to decide to grow vegetables in your own garden? If so, find out what the advantages are. First of all, you can be sure that the vegetables that you will grow yourself, will be tasty and healthy, without harmful fertilizers, antibiotics and chemicals, which will perfectly affect their quality. In addition, you will have fresh produce at your fingertips, which allows you to save a lot of money. Currently, the prices of vegetables are increasing due to the difficult conditions for cultivation, so this solution will have a great impact on your household budget.

>> See also: Vegetable garden in boxes

How to properly care for vegetables in the garden?

When growing vegetables in your own garden, it is worth remembering to water them frequently. It is best to water the plants in the morning and evening. It is also a good idea to gently spray the plants and the soil. If you don’t want to use tap water you can put out a bucket for rainwater. Before planting your plants, use a suitable fertilizer for the soil. Repeat the fertilizing even when the plants are already growing. This will keep your crops healthy and tasty. Additionally, it will reduce the risk of them being attacked by insects. Weeds, which are a big threat to vegetables, should be removed several times a month. If you see a new weed appearing in the bed, remove it immediately. Does your garden have a problem with pests and diseases that attack plants? If so, decide to use preparations that help fight such disorders. They are available in many stores with tools and accessories for garden work.

There are many ways to grow vegetables yourself in your own garden. The raised bed can be outdoors. If you have a lot of space to grow vegetables, it’s a good idea to make a greenhouse. If you live in a block of flats, you don’t have to give up growing vegetables. Gardens in wooden boxes filled with soil are perfect. Pots in which you can sow vegetable seeds are also recommended.

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